
Sprouts are a great way to incorporate fresh, alive produce into our daily diet. It also enlivens the kitchen and gives a glimpse of life all year round. There a various sprouting methods used including jars, trays, bags, and automatic sprouting systems. The choice of sprouter can depend on budget, space, type of sprouts, quantity of sprouts, and sprouting style preferences. Jar sprouting is the quickest and simplest sprouting method. It requires only a mason jar and a screen for the sprouts to breathe through and for rinsing them. Automatic Sprouting Systems have more advanced technology and require less attention during the sprouting process. The results are incomparable to anything you will get with another sprouter. The sprouts have space to grow and as a result, are fresh, tall, and healthy every time. Browse Raw Nutrition’s selection of Sprouters to get the right one for you!

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Sprout Master Stainless Steel Sprout Screen
  • CAD $3.95
    CAD $3.29
    17% discount
  • (Based on 370 vote(s))
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  • Availability: In stock
Sprout Master Stainless Sprouting Screen and Ring
  • CAD $4.99
  • (Based on 89 vote(s))
  • Availability: Not available