Mumm's Certified Organic Kamut Wheat 300gr
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Mumm's Certified Organic Kamut Wheat 300gr

Kamut is an ancient grain, a great alternative for wheat.

Sprouting Time: Sprouts: 2-3 days; Microgreens: 10-12 days
Soak Time: 6 hours
Yield: Sprouts: 1/2 cup of dry seed yields 2 cups of sprouted kamut. Grass: 1 lb. (about 2.5 cups) of seeds for one 11 x 21 tray of grass yields around 2-6 oz. of juice (depends on height of grass, juicer used, density of grass)
Storage: Kamut Wheat will sprout well for about 1 year after purchasing them, if stored in a cool dry place. To extend their germination life, store them in the fridge. If you store the grain in the freezer, it will last almost indefinitely.

Product Code: MU-K

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CAD $5.39
  • Availability: Not available
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