
Raw Nutrition offers a selection of parts for various products that we carry throughout our store. If you need to replace a part on your juicer, change a blender container, or purchase extra accessories for your Yogurt Maker, this is the place to look. This is somewhat our odds and ends page where you can find the part or container to get your small kitchen appliance running again. You will also find accessories for Food Dehydrators and Sprouters. If you need non-stick drying sheets to make cookies, pizza, or fruit roll-ups in your Dehydrators, you'll find these here. If you do not find what you are looking for, feel free to inquire with our staff. We just might be able to get you what you need.

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Vitamix 64oz Wet Blade Container
  • CAD $239.95
  • (Based on 208 vote(s))
Vitamix Replacement Tamper
  • CAD $30.00
    CAD $20.00
    34% discount
  • (Based on 39 vote(s))